Academic module is a source of documentation containing guidance for lecturers and students for the learning process. This identifies both compulsory and elective course to complete four-year study. The academic modules transparently gives brief information about module title, level code and course, semester, coordinator and team teaching of the course, language, relationship with the curriculum, duration and learning methods, learning load, credit Unit, requirement, program learning outcome, course Learning outcome, requirement and examination, learning media, and references.
- RPS_MPK4001_Agama Islam
- RPS_MPK4002_Agama Katholik
- RPS_MPK4003_Kristen Protestan
- RPS_MPK4004_Agama Hindu
- RPS_MPK4005_Agama Budha
- RPS_MPK4006_Kewarganegaraan
- RPS_TPF4013_Bahasa Inggris
- RPS_TPE4127_Matematika Dasar
- RPS_TPE4131_Fisika
- RPS_TPF4121_Kimia Dasar
- RPS_TPE4101_Pengantar Teknologi Pertanian
- RPS_TPF4120_Biologi
- RPS_TPF4240_Pengembangan Kepribadian dan Etika Profesi
- RPS_TPF4012_Kewirausahaan
- RPS_TPE4211_Perancangaan Alat dan Mesin
- RPS_TPE4237_Riset Operasi
- RPS_TPE4253_Alat dan Mesin Budidaya Pertanian
- RPS_TPE4212_Ilmu Ukur Wilayah
- RPS_TPE4251_Keteknikan Sistem
- RPS_UBU4007_Praktik Kerja Lapang (PKL)
- RPS_UBU4002_Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)
- RPS_UBU4001_Skripsi
- MK Pilihan 1 (Semester Ganjil)
- MK Pilihan 2 (Semester Ganjil)
- MK Pilihan 1 (Semester Genap)
- MK Pilihan 2 (Semester Genap)
- RPS MK PILIHAN_TPE4226_Robotika Biosistem
- RPS MK PILIHAN_ TPE4216_Pompa dan Kompresor
- RPS MK PILIHAN_TPE4008_Teknik Pengeringan dan Pendingan
- RPS MK PILIHAN_TPE4227_Hubungan Tanah, Air, dan Tanaman
- RPS MK PILIHAN_TPE4228_Teknik Pemodelan dan Simulasi
- RPS MK PILIHAN_TPE4242_Daya Dalam Bidang Pertanian 2
- RPS MK PILIHAN_TPE4239_Teknik Bioenergi