Occupational Health and Safety

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) as an outstanding faculty has also become a pioneer of the faculty that ensures the safety and health of all academics, related parties and maintains and protects the environment in the area of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya. In accordance with the Ministry of Manpower Regulation No. 5 of 1996, that every business entity with more than 100 workers and or has the potential for a special occupational accident hazard is required to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The vision and mission of the FTP OHS Management System are stated in the OHS policy.





The Faculty of Agricultural Technology is committed to ensuring occupational safety and health (K3) for staff, employees, students, contractors, visitors, and guests at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.

Fulfilling applicable government laws and regulations and other requirements related to the implementation of OSH, as well as making continuous improvements to the Management System and OSH Performance in order to promote a good OSH culture in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.

The implementation of the OHS Management System is supported by the P2K3 Team organization (Occupational Safety and Health Supervisory Committee) which is approved by the Leaders of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. In general, the FTP P2K3 Team is tasked with supporting the implementation of K3 policies, K3 SOP documents, and K3 supporting facilities that ensure occupational safety and health as well as improve the skills and knowledge of K3 personnel in the FTP area. namely the Sub-sector of Safety – Laboratory, Sub-sector of Safety – Building and Environment, Sub-sector of Occupational Health, and Sub-sector of Emergency Response.

Laboratory Safety Sub-Sector, tasked with providing, implementing, and maintaining facilities, infrastructure, as well as occupational safety and health systems in the laboratory, including controlling activities for storing laboratory waste.
Building and Environmental Safety Sub-Sector, is in charge of carrying out patrols, routine inspections and ensuring the security of building. Infrastructure and K3 facilities. In addition, environmental quality control includes building waste/waste and FTP vehicle emission testing in accordance with procedures.
Sub-Sector of Occupational Health, is in charge of work programs that ensure the occupational health of FTP personnel including health insurance, routine health checks, and hygiene and health of FTP canteens.
Emergency Response Sub-Sector, is tasked with providing, guaranteeing, and implementing FTP preparedness in dealing with emergency conditions, both in skill readiness, facilities, and emergency response simulation activities.
FTP implements an emergency response system for all rooms in the building, especially related to fire mitigation in accordance with the Minister of Manpower Decree no. 186 by providing fire alarms, smoke detectors, water sprinklers, hydrants, APAR (light fire extinguishers), and evacuation routes. the entire emergency response system is regulated in the emergency response manual no.UN10/F10/05/02/HK.01.02.a/015, the APAR SOP number UN10/F10/05/02/HK.01.02.a/021. In addition, FTP also provides a first aid kit facility according to the standard of the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 15 of 2008 which is stated in the First Aid SOP number UN10/F10/05/02/HK.01.02.a/016. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the P2K3 team also compiled SOPs for work in accordance with health protocols (SOP number UN10/F10/05/02/HK.01.02.a/020).
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