Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan of the Master Program in Agricultural Engineering (MAE) is to improve teaching quality, which is intended to accelerate the improvement of teaching quality that refers to international standards. This program is in line with efforts to improve the quality of graduates of the MAE, Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FAT), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in order to reach World Class University. In addition, this program aims to increase the competitiveness of the graduates of MAE in the community and facilitate students to become young entrepreneurs in order to reach Entrepreneurial University. The program objectives are expected to be achieved by the following program plans and activities:

Simultaneously, MAE is trying to implement research quality improvement. The basic policies and program plans in the field of research quality are aimed at accelerating research performance in an effort to improve the quality of research results, which supports the teaching process and development of the MAE. In parallel, efforts are also made to increase the capacity of lecturers in writing international scientific papers so that research results can be disseminated widely.

As part of improving the quality and reputation at the international level, the MAE will strengthen International Cooperation in an effort to increase UB’s ranking in World Class University. 

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