PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XI – Pabrik Gula Jatiroto (Lumajang, Jawa Timur)

Head of Section of Processing

The courses relevance obtained during the study period in lectures on the implementation of job desk demands in the company where they work can be said to have fulfilled more than 90%. This is a positive thing for alumni graduates to be able to easily carry out their duties and responsibilities in job positions in companies.

- Risma Zenata TEP 2011

Subjects related to current work include Agricultural Cultivation Machinery and Mechanization of Plantation Crop Cultivation because now I work as a lecturer for the Agricultural Equipment and Machinery course in the Sustainable Agricultural Extension Study Program and the Agricultural Mechanization course in the Plantation Plant Production Technology Study Program at Manokwari Polbangtan .

- Widyaningrum TEP 2010

Kementerian Pertanian Polbangtan Manokwari


PT. Garda Nusantara Sejahtera (GATRA)

Spareparts Warehouse Staff​

This course material is very relevant and helpful in my field of work because the company where I work is engaged in agricultural equipment and machinery, such as 4-wheeled tractors and their implements, Combine Harvester, RMU, etc. This course material helps us understand the system and performance of machines in agriculture, both in proper operation and maintenance.

- Desta Widia Sakti TEP 2011​

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