The following is research data conducted by Bioprocess Engineering lecturers
Id | Yaer | Research Lecturer Name | Title | Source of Funds |
1 | 2017 | Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si., Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc. Ph.D., Dina Wahyu Indriani, S.TP., M.Sc., dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, ST. M.T. | Utilization of cross flow ultrafiltration membrane (UF) in harvesting microalgae as an alternative source of biodiesel raw materials | PNBP FTP |
2 | 2017 | Shinta Rosalia Dewi, M.Sc, Ni’matul Izza, M.T., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. | Effect of length of time and frequency of PEF on polyphenol extract of kenikir leaves (Cosmos caudatus) | PNBP FTP |
3 | 2017 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono S.TP., M.Sc., Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D, dan Shinta Rosalia Dewi S.Si, M.Sc. | Development of Mixed Matrix Membranes with Natural Biofouling Reducer Agent as Filler in Fruit Juice Ultrafiltration Process | PUPT RISTEK DIKTI (Government) |
4 | 2018 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D, dan Dr. Sucipto, STP, MP | Development of Chitosan Membranes with Natural Antimicrobial Substances for Drinking Water Processing in accordance with the Halal Toyyiban Production System | PNBP FTP |
5 | 2018 | Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. | Effect of Microwave Pretreatment (Microwave) on Hydrodistillation of Ginger (Zingiber officinal) on Yield and Levels of Zingiberine in Ginger Oil (Study of Pretreatment Power and Time) | PNBP FTP |
6 | 2018 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono S.TP., M.Sc., Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D, dan Shinta Rosalia Dewi S.Si, M.Sc. | Development of Mixed Matrix Membranes with Natural Biofouling Reducer Agent as Filler in Fruit Juice Ultrafiltration Process | PUPT RISTEK DIKTI (Government) |
7 | 2019 | Dr. Bambang Dwi Argo DEA, Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, S.TP., M.Sc., dan Dina Wahyu Indriani, S.TP., M.Sc. | Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation (MAHD) with Addition of Temperature Control to Increase Zingiberene Content of Ginger Essential Oil | PNBP FTP |
8 | 2019 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., Dr. Sucipto , STP., MP., dan Ni`Matul Izza , S.TP., M.T | Design of Portable Point Of Use Drinking Water Treatment Equipment Based on Filtration and Ultraviolet | PNBP FTP |
9 | 2019 | Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. | Control of the extraction process temperature of soursop (Annona muricata L.) fruit with a dynamic system with the recursive least square method | Hibah Doktor Lektor Kepala (PNBP) |
10 | 2019 | Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si. | Hypobaric Technology of Water Jet Systems for Fresh Horticultural Storage and Transport | Hibah Doktor Non Lektor Kepala (PNBP) |
11 | 2019 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Alfian Noviyanto S.TP, M.T, Ph.D, dan Dr. Epi Taufik S.Pt, M.Si | Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Membrane from Marine Biota Waste as a Separator of Oligosaccharides from Goat Milk for Nutritional Sources for Babies | Sentralisasi (Penelitian Dasar) (Government) |
12 | 2019 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr. Akhmad Adi Sulianto, dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, S.T., M.T. | Implementation of Forward Osmosis for Fertigation in Rice Fields Affected by Sea Water Intrusion | PTUPT (Government) |
13 | 2019 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Ni`Matul Izza, S.TP., M.T. | Designing Plate-and-Frame Membrane-Based Fruit Juice Clarification and Concentration Tool with Natural Antibiofoulant Phenolic Powder (NAPP) | PTUPT (Government) |
14 | 2019 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suharto, MS., Dr. Ir. Gunomo Djoyowasito M.S., dan Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si. | Increasing Productivity of Manalagi apples (Malang Batu apples) throughout the season in facing the free market by using a drip irrigation design (trickle) and organic fertilizers | PTUPT (Government) |
15 | 2019 | Dr. Bambang Susilo, Mochammad Bagus Hermanto, M.Sc., dan Retno Damayanti, S.TP., M.P. | Engineering Low Temperature Dryer Machine for Drying Hybrid Corn Seeds | Penguatan RIP (PNBP) |
16 | 2020 | Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. | Air Conditioning Control System Based on Detection of People in the Room to Save Electricity Load | PNBP FTP |
17 | 2020 | Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D | Formulation and Synthesis of Slow Release Fertilizer for Vegetable and Fruit Plants Based on Hydroxyapatite Made from Crab Shell Waste | PNBP FTP |
18 | 2020 | Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P. | The Design of Automatic Casting Knife Based Edible Film Printing Equipment | PNBP FTP |
19 | 2020 | Dr.Agr.Sc. Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, ST., M.Sc., dan Retno Damayanti, S.TP., M.P. | Characterization of African Leaf Flavonoid Content (Vernonia amygdalina) Based on Chlorophyll Content Based on Digital Images | PNBP FTP |
20 | 2020 | Dina Wahyu Indriani, S.TP., M.Sc. | Investigation of Nitrogen Recovery on Slow Release Absorption Fertilizer Capsules for Rice Plants (Oryza sativa L) | PNBP FTP |
21 | 2020 | Dr.Agr.Sc. Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, ST., M.Sc., dan Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D | Modeling of African Leaf Flavonoid Content (Vernovia Amygdalina) Using Artificial Neural Network and Image Analysis | PNBP FTP |
22 | 2020 | Dr.Agr.Sc. Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, ST., M.Sc. , dan Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D | The application of artificial intelligence in antioxidant modeling of African leaves uses machine vision and fluorescence | Penelitian Doktor Lektor Kepala UB |
23 | 2020 | Dr.Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo , DEA. | Control of the extraction process temperature of soursop (Annona muricata L.) with a dynamic system with the recursive least square method | Penelitian Doktor Lektor Kepala UB |
24 | 2020 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr. Akhmad Adi Sulianto, dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, S.T., M.T. | Implementation of Forward Osmosis for Fertigation in Rice Fields Affected by Sea Water Intrusion | PTUPT (Government) |
25 | 2020 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Ni`Matul Izza, STP., M.T | Designing Plate-and-Frame Membrane-Based Fruit Juice Clarification and Concentration Tool with Natural Antibiofoulant Phenolic Powder (NAPP) | PTUPT (Government) |
26 | 2020 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Alfian Noviyanto S.TP, M.T, Ph.D, dan Dr. Epi Taufik S.Pt, M.Si. | Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Membrane from Marine Biota Waste as a Separator of Oligosaccharides from Goat Milk for Nutritional Sources for Babies | Sentralisasi (Penelitian dasar) (Government) |
27 | 2020 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr Akhmad Adi Sulianto, dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, S.T., M.T. | Implementation of Forward Osmosis for Fertigation in Rice Fields Affected by Sea Water Intrusion | PTUPT (Government) |
28 | 2020 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Ni`Matul Izza, S.TP., M.T |
Designing Plate-and-Frame Membrane-Based Fruit Juice Clarification and Concentration Tool with Natural Antibiofoulant Phenolic Powder (NAPP) | PTUPT (Government) |
29 | 2021 | Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Chusnul Arif, S.TP, M.Si., dan Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, S.TP., M. Agr, Ph.D |
Development of Innovative Pocket Fertigation Technology based on Artificial Intelligence Adaptive to Climate Change | PPKI (Penelitian Kolaboratif) |