The following is research data conducted by Bioprocess Engineering lecturers

Id Yaer Research Lecturer Name Title Source of Funds
1 2017 Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si., Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc. Ph.D., Dina Wahyu Indriani, S.TP., M.Sc., dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, ST. M.T. Utilization of cross flow ultrafiltration membrane (UF) in harvesting microalgae as an alternative source of biodiesel raw materials PNBP FTP
2 2017 Shinta Rosalia Dewi, M.Sc, Ni’matul Izza, M.T., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. Effect of length of time and frequency of PEF on polyphenol extract of kenikir leaves (Cosmos caudatus) PNBP FTP
3 2017 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono S.TP., M.Sc., Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D, dan Shinta Rosalia Dewi S.Si, M.Sc. Development of Mixed Matrix Membranes with Natural Biofouling Reducer Agent as Filler in Fruit Juice Ultrafiltration Process PUPT RISTEK DIKTI (Government)
4 2018 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D, dan Dr. Sucipto, STP, MP Development of Chitosan Membranes with Natural Antimicrobial Substances for Drinking Water Processing in accordance with the Halal Toyyiban Production System PNBP FTP
5 2018 Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. Effect of Microwave Pretreatment (Microwave) on Hydrodistillation of Ginger (Zingiber officinal) on Yield and Levels of Zingiberine in Ginger Oil (Study of Pretreatment Power and Time) PNBP FTP
6 2018 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono S.TP., M.Sc., Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D, dan Shinta Rosalia Dewi S.Si, M.Sc. Development of Mixed Matrix Membranes with Natural Biofouling Reducer Agent as Filler in Fruit Juice Ultrafiltration Process PUPT RISTEK DIKTI (Government)
7 2019 Dr. Bambang Dwi Argo DEA, Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, S.TP., M.Sc., dan Dina Wahyu Indriani, S.TP., M.Sc. Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation (MAHD) with Addition of Temperature Control to Increase Zingiberene Content of Ginger Essential Oil PNBP FTP
8 2019 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., Dr. Sucipto , STP., MP., dan Ni`Matul Izza , S.TP., M.T Design of Portable Point Of Use Drinking Water Treatment Equipment Based on Filtration and Ultraviolet PNBP FTP
9 2019 Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. Control of the extraction process temperature of soursop (Annona muricata L.) fruit with a dynamic system with the recursive least square method Hibah Doktor Lektor Kepala (PNBP)
10 2019 Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si. Hypobaric Technology of Water Jet Systems for Fresh Horticultural Storage and Transport Hibah Doktor Non Lektor Kepala (PNBP)
11 2019 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Alfian Noviyanto S.TP, M.T, Ph.D, dan Dr. Epi Taufik S.Pt, M.Si Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Membrane from Marine Biota Waste as a Separator of Oligosaccharides from Goat Milk for Nutritional Sources for Babies Sentralisasi (Penelitian Dasar) (Government)
12 2019 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr. Akhmad Adi Sulianto, dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, S.T., M.T. Implementation of Forward Osmosis for Fertigation in Rice Fields Affected by Sea Water Intrusion PTUPT (Government)
13 2019 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Ni`Matul Izza, S.TP., M.T. Designing Plate-and-Frame Membrane-Based Fruit Juice Clarification and Concentration Tool with Natural Antibiofoulant Phenolic Powder (NAPP) PTUPT (Government)
14 2019 Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suharto, MS., Dr. Ir. Gunomo Djoyowasito M.S., dan Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si. Increasing Productivity of Manalagi apples (Malang Batu apples) throughout the season in facing the free market by using a drip irrigation design (trickle) and organic fertilizers PTUPT (Government)
15 2019 Dr. Bambang Susilo, Mochammad Bagus Hermanto, M.Sc., dan Retno Damayanti, S.TP., M.P. Engineering Low Temperature Dryer Machine for Drying Hybrid Corn Seeds Penguatan RIP (PNBP)
16 2020 Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA. Air Conditioning Control System Based on Detection of People in the Room to Save Electricity Load PNBP FTP
17 2020 Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D Formulation and Synthesis of Slow Release Fertilizer for Vegetable and Fruit Plants Based on Hydroxyapatite Made from Crab Shell Waste PNBP FTP
18 2020 Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P. The Design of Automatic Casting Knife Based Edible Film Printing Equipment PNBP FTP
19 2020 Dr.Agr.Sc. Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, ST., M.Sc., dan Retno Damayanti, S.TP., M.P. Characterization of African Leaf Flavonoid Content (Vernonia amygdalina) Based on Chlorophyll Content Based on Digital Images PNBP FTP
20 2020 Dina Wahyu Indriani, S.TP., M.Sc. Investigation of Nitrogen Recovery on Slow Release Absorption Fertilizer Capsules for Rice Plants (Oryza sativa L) PNBP FTP
21 2020 Dr.Agr.Sc. Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, ST., M.Sc., dan Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D Modeling of African Leaf Flavonoid Content (Vernovia Amygdalina) Using Artificial Neural Network and Image Analysis PNBP FTP
22 2020 Dr.Agr.Sc. Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, ST., M.Sc. , dan Yusuf Hendrawan Ph.D The application of artificial intelligence in antioxidant modeling of African leaves uses machine vision and fluorescence Penelitian Doktor Lektor Kepala UB
23 2020 Dr.Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo , DEA. Control of the extraction process temperature of soursop (Annona muricata L.) with a dynamic system with the recursive least square method Penelitian Doktor Lektor Kepala UB
24 2020 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr. Akhmad Adi Sulianto, dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, S.T., M.T. Implementation of Forward Osmosis for Fertigation in Rice Fields Affected by Sea Water Intrusion PTUPT (Government)
25 2020 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Ni`Matul Izza, STP., M.T Designing Plate-and-Frame Membrane-Based Fruit Juice Clarification and Concentration Tool with Natural Antibiofoulant Phenolic Powder (NAPP) PTUPT (Government)
26 2020 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Alfian Noviyanto S.TP, M.T, Ph.D, dan Dr. Epi Taufik S.Pt, M.Si. Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Membrane from Marine Biota Waste as a Separator of Oligosaccharides from Goat Milk for Nutritional Sources for Babies Sentralisasi (Penelitian dasar) (Government)
27 2020 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr Akhmad Adi Sulianto, dan Luhur Akbar Devianto, S.T., M.T. Implementation of Forward Osmosis for Fertigation in Rice Fields Affected by Sea Water Intrusion PTUPT (Government)
28 2020 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Angky Wahyu Putranto, S.TP., M.P., dan Ni`Matul Izza, S.TP., M.T
Designing Plate-and-Frame Membrane-Based Fruit Juice Clarification and Concentration Tool with Natural Antibiofoulant Phenolic Powder (NAPP) PTUPT (Government)
29 2021 Dr. Yusuf Wibisono, S.TP., M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Chusnul Arif, S.TP, M.Si., dan Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, S.TP., M. Agr, Ph.D
Development of Innovative Pocket Fertigation Technology based on Artificial Intelligence Adaptive to Climate Change PPKI (Penelitian Kolaboratif)

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