
National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN)

For further requirements, see the following link:

Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN)

For further requirements, see the following link:

General Requirements

  • Senior High School / Competencies: SMA IPA, MA IPA
  • SMK-JURUSAN / Program Keahlian: –
  • Syarat Khusus: Bebas Narkoba
  • Dapat Menerima: Tuli, Buta Warna Parsial Diperbolehkan
  • Informarsi persyaratan dan alur pendaftaran lebih detail dapat dilakukan melalui

Independent Selection of Universitas Brawijaya (SMUB)

Universitas Brawijaya Independent Selection is an admission selection held independently by Brawijaya University. The 2021 UB Independent Selection consists of the UTBK Track and the Report Card Track. For SMUB enthusiasts who do not take the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) in 2021, they can take part in the selection using the Report Card Track. Applicants who have registered for the selection using the 2021 UTBK value can also take part in the selection using the Report Card Track.


Applicants for the 2021 UB Independent Selection must meet the following requirements:

  1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI);
  2. SHS/VHS/MA graduates or equivalent in 2019, 2020 and 2021;
  3. Has National School Identification Number (NISN) and National Student Identification Number (NPSN);
  4. Registered as a participant and taking part in UTBK 2021;
  5. Selection participants meet the health requirements and other special requirements of each study program.
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