Registration Flow

National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN)

For further registration flow, please see the following link:

Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN)

For further registration flow, please see the following link:

Independent Selection of Universitas Brawijaya (SMUB)

Registration Mechanism

  1. Create an account on the;
  2. Choosing UB Mandiri Selection utbk track 2021 on dashboard page;
  3. Filling in utbk 2021 data in the form of Participant Number, NPSN and NISN according to the filling in UTBK 2021;
  4. Confirm the suitability of UTBK data and obtain a Payment Code;
  5. A registration fee of 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand rupiah) is  paid to Bank BRI, Bank Mandiri or Bank BNI throughout Indonesia (all payment channels)  throughout Indonesia by showing the PAYMENT CODE;
  6. Registration fees paid at the bank cannot be withdrawn for anyreason. Please follow the payment procedure as follows:
    1. Procedures for Payment Through Bank BRI
    2. Procedures for Payment Through Bank Mandiri
    3. Procedures for Payment Through Bank BNI
  7. Confirm the payment and fill in the registration form on the;
  8. Selecting the course based on the requirements in point II;
  9. Upload the registration completeness file as follows:
    1. Self-photo in accordance with the provisions (self-photo based on UTBK data, participants are allowed to change photos if necessary);
    2. Identity Card (KTP) / Family Card (KK);
    3. UTBK Participant Card;
    4. Certificate of superior achievement (3 best achievements) in the field of academic, sports and arts and religious while studying SHS/VHS/MA (if there are achievements filled in the form of achievement form)
      1. International Level (1rd Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Hope I, Hope II, Hope III, Participant)
      2. National Level (1rd Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Hope I, Hope II, Hope III, Participant)
      3. Regional/Provincial/City/Regency Level (1rd Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Hope I, Hope II, Hope III, Participant)
      4. Hafizh Al-Quran (5 Juz, 10 Juz, 20 Juz, 30 Juz)
  10. Approve the data fill statement and finalize the registration;
  11. Print a selection participant card;
  12. Registration of selection can only be done once, after the finalization process, the data cannot be changed and cannot register again. Make sure that the UTBK 2021 data used to register, fill in the registration form, and the registration completeness file are complete and correct.
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