Vision and Mission


To become a leading center for undergraduate education and research in the field of Bioprocess Technology and play an active role in the development and application to support the bioprocess industry in global competition.


  1. Organizing the education process for the Bachelor of Bioprocess Technology in a professional international standard, which is able to produce competent graduates in the field of Bioprocess Technology.
  2. Develop research in Bioprocess Technology for food and non-food products.
  3. Implementing research results to develop bioprocess based industries, both small, medium and large scale industries.


  1. Producing Bioprocess Technology graduates who are devoted to God Almighty, qualified with mastery of Science and Technology and able to compete at the international level.
  2. To become a center for the development of bioprocess technology science in order to accelerate the progress of the bioprocess industry in the food and non-food sector in general.
  3. Disseminating concepts, ideas and technology in the field of bioprocessing in the national and international scope to solve problems innovatively and creatively.
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