
The Bioprocess Engineering Study Program has obtained its operational license in 2016, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 63/KPT/I/2016 on the Opening of the Undergraduate Program of Computer Engineering Study Program, the Undergraduate Program of Economics, Finance, and Banking Study Program, and the Undergraduate Program of Bioprocess Engineering Study Program at Universitas Brawijaya in Malang. Previously, the Bioprocess Engineering Study Program has been established and managed by Agricultural Engineering Department as an interest of Bioprocess Engineering at the Agricultural Engineering Study Program. The Agricultural Engineering Study Program has been accredited ”A” by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) since 2007. In 2012, the Agricultural Engineering Study Program managed to maintain A score by BAN-PT (score of 384) and in 2015, the Study Program has been accredited by Asean University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA), therefore  the Bioprocess Engineering Study Program has been developed in academic atmosphere with national and international standards. In addition, the Bioprocess Engineering Study Program is at Faculty of Agricultural Technology where all the undergraduate programs have been accredited ”A” by BAN-PT. This provides that the Bioprocess Engineering Study Program is in a good governance system.

Furthermore, after the license has been achieved by the Bioprocess Engineering Study Program, since 2016/2017 academic year, Bioprocess Engineering Study Program has been offered through the three types of admissions (SBMPTN SNMPTN, Jalur Mandiri) and the implementation of academic activities has been carried out based on the new curriculum (the Bioprocess Engineering Study Process Curriculum of 2016/2017 academic year). Currently, several students has graduated from Bioprocess Engineering Study Program according to the competencies of the graduates that have been designed (PLO dan ILO).

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