Programme Learning Outcome (PLO)

Program Learning Outcomes (Program Education Objectives)

We are preparing our graduates for in their career and professional life, and within a few years of graduation, as follows:

  1. (PLO-1) Graduates acquire professional leadership roles in bioprocess engineering and related fields leading to successful career (ILO-1, ILO-2, ILO-3, ILO-4, ILO-5)
  1. (PLO-2) Graduates establish commitment and contributes toward sustainable and bio-based economy development for better society (ILO-1, ILO-2, ILO-3, ILO-7)
  2. (PLO-3) Graduates engange in lifelong learning in conducting practical engineer tasks (ILO-4, ILO-5, ILO-6, ILO-7)

Distribution of Graduate Profile of Bioprocess Engineering Study Program

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