Agricultural Power and Machineries
Agricultural Power and Machinery Laboratory is a laboratory managed by the Department of Agricultural Engineering to carry out practicum in the field of power, agricultural equipment and machinery as well as supporting technology in the field of agricultural engineering. This laboratory also provides resources in research in the field of utilization of agricultural tools and machinery, both for students and lecturers.
To become a Center of Excellence in research and application of engineering science to support sustainable food and energy security in Indonesia.
- Carry out research and disseminate research results in the application of engineering science to agricultural production.
- Conduct research and disseminate research results, dedication to renewable energy and other agricultural fields to support food security.
- Support the education process in the field of agricultural power and machinery in Universitas Brawijaya.
Head of Laboratory
Laboratory Members
Laboratory Staff
List of Tools and Equipment:
- Relief Meter
- Oven
- Angle Friction Test
- Digital Balance
- Lux Meter
- Proctor Test
- Vaneshear
- Tachometer
- Chlorophyll Meter Spad-502 Plus
- Sample Ring
- Sieve 40 mesh
- Thermometer
- Anemometer
List of Software:
- Ansys
- AutoCad
- Jupyter Notebook (Python)
- Visual Studio
- Pycharm
- Spyder
- Origin
Analysis Services
Borrowing of Tools
for Student
for Student